AI Can’t Replace Human Touch In Public Relations- Cautions Dr S Ramu

Hyderabad: D S Ramu, Chairman of the Public Relations Society of India (PRSI) Hyderabad Chapter, sounded a cautionary note on the growing influence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in public relations, emphasizing that while AI offers significant advantages, it cannot replace the essential human element.

“I have my own doubts about AI’s impact on effective public relations,” Dr Ramu, a senior journalist, journalism educator and PR & Corp Comm professional with 30 plus years of experience, stated during a keynote address at the PRSI Visakhapatnam Chapter’s lecture series on Public Relations and Its Impact on Present Society. “AI may be a great tool for creating compelling stories, but we still need the human touch to sell them. PR is ‘PyaaR’—it’s about persuasion, emotions and man connection.”

Dr Ramu acknowledged AI’s ability to streamline routine PR tasks but stressed that these efficiencies fall short of delivering the deeper connection needed for impactful public relations.

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“While AI can help us manage and analyze data, craft messages, and even predict trends, it is not capable of understanding the emotions and nuance required to build trust with an audience,” he remarked. “Public relations is more than just the dissemination of information—it’s about connecting with people on a deeper, emotional level.”

The PRSI Visakhaptnam leadership felicitated Dr Ramu and Charishma Krishna, Miss South India 2022, to mark the occasion. Charishma, a student of Fine Arts at Andhra University, has pursued a career in dance, modeling, and acting.

The gathering also featured addresses from key office bearers, Vice President- South US Sharma, Chairman M. Kali VL Narasimham, Secretary A Govinda Rao and Treasurer Narasimham, who shared their insights and perspectives with the audience.

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