Hyderabad: Telangana Citizens Council today organisef an awareness campaign on Tobacco products and ill effects on the occasion of World No Tobacco Day at Camp office secundrabad. On this ocassion Justice S. Nanda judge Telangana High Court participated as chief guest.
She stated that across the globe around 3.5 millions people deaths due to tobacco consumption products like cigarettes, gutka, panmasala etc by supporting this global initiative, we can contribute to creating a tobacco-free world where individuals can live healthy and fulfilling lives.she further stated that Quit smoking today to improve our physical.and mental health.
Asthama, Lung cancer, oral cancers, heart diseases are some of those cancer and chronic conditions include. Quitting tobacco reduces the risk of tobacco relayed diseases in the future shows the progression of existing Tobacco related diseases and improve life expectancy by an avarage of 10 years.
Dr. Meera Director of SAPID a NGO stated that tobacco harms nearly every organ system of the body from top to the heaf all the way down to the ti of the toes.

Dr Rajnarayan Mudiraj president Telangana Citizens council prepated a wall poster with photographs and ill effects of tobacco products like cigarette, tambaku, gutka and cancer heart disrased.
Lion Premchand Munot jain Director Lions Club of Hyderabad South, Sri. Kaki Safanand Swamy Mudiraj state convenor TCC, Sri. Radhari Ram Mohan Chairman Mazdoor Union of South Central Railways Secundrabad, Smt. Urmidas and Mrs. Manjula project managers of SAPID, Sri. K. Shyam Rao Mudiraj Vice Chairman OS Other Caste Backward Class Cell Pradesh Congress Committee Sri. Delli Dhiv Kumar and Sri. C. Rajender Mudiraj Coordinators spoke.